Developmental AreaObserve
Physicalpulls self to standing position when hands held y raises self to sitting position
sits without support
stands by pulling themself up using furniture
stepping movements around furniture
successfully reach out and grasp toy
transfers objects from hand to hand
picks up and pokes small objects with thumb and finger
picks up and throws small objects
holds biscuit or bottle
mature crawling (quick and fluent)
may stand alone momentarily
may attempt to crawl up stairs
grasps spoon in palm, but poor aim of food to mouth
uses hands to feed self
alerts peripheral vision
rolls ball and crawls to retrieve
Socialshows definite anxiety or wariness at appearance of strangers
Emotionalactively seeks to be next to parent or principal caregiver
shows signs of anxiety or stress if parent goes away
offers toy to adult but does not release it
shows signs of empathy to distress of another (but often soothes self)
actively explores and plays when parent present, returning now and then for assurance and interaction
Cognitivemoves obstacle to get at desired toy
bangs two objects held in hands together
responds to own name
makes gestures to communicate and to symbolise objects, e.g. points to something they want y seems to understand some things parent or familiar adults say to them
drops toys to be retrieved, handed back, then dropped again/looks in direction of dropped toy y smiles at image in mirror
likes playing with water
shows interest in picture books
understands gestures/responds to ‘bye bye’
listens with pleasure to sound-making toys and music
notices difference and shows surprise
Languageresponds to own name being called, family names and familiar objects
babbles tunefully
says words like ‘dada’ or ‘mama’ y waves goodbye
imitates hand clapping
imitates actions and sounds
enjoys finger-rhymes
shouts to attract attention
vocalises loudly using most vowels and consonants – sounding like conversation
Seek advice if:is not responsive to carers
is not babbling and making sounds
is not beginning to sit, crawl, or pull to stand
is not playing with feet, swapping objects between hands
is not interested in holding toys
is not learning to eat solids
Early Years Learning Framework Practice Based Resources
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