Kiddie Academy Mudgee
About Kiddie Academy Mudgee
National Quality Standard Rating
This ratings chart displays how our service is improving quality for your child. All services across Australia will be assessed and rated against the National Quality Standard to improve quality and outcomes for children. More information about how our service is improving in each quality area is available from our staff members.
Meeting the National Quality Standard
- Educational program and practice 75%
- Children’s health and safety 75%
- Physical environment 75%
- Staffing arrangements 75%
- Relationships with children 75%
- Collaborative partnerships with families and communities 75%
- Governance and leadership 75%
- 6 weeks to 1 year
- 1 year to 2 years
- 2 years to 3 years
- 2.5 years to 3 years
- 2 years to 3 years
- 3 years to 4 years
- 4 years to 5 years
What we provide
- Breakfast
- Nappies and consumables
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
- Late afternoon snack
Our Philosophy
Kiddie Academy Mudgee offers a warm and nurturing learning environment where authentic, respectful relationships are fostered and where children learn through play, by doing, by asking questions, by interacting with others and the environment, by problem solving and by the purposeful use of resources.
- Each child will have the time and opportunity to initiate their own learning by participating in experiences that interest and motivate them. They will have freedom to create and act on their own ideas, develop knowledge, and practice new skills.
- Our daily program is inclusive, with a desire to embed the perspectives of the traditional owners of our land, the Wiradjuri People and provides opportunities for children to interact with family, friends, community groups and services and the natural environment.
- We believe parents/caregivers are their child’s first teachers and family involvement in the program is encouraged as we work together in partnership to support their child/rens development.
- We as educators empower children to be those citizens to have responsibilities to understand their own rights but also the rights of others.
- We promote sustainability through recycling, gardening, using natural resources and reducing our use of plastic.
- We believe the provision of quality resources within a safe, fun, and stimulating environment will enhance each child’s desire to learn and to motivate them in becoming lifelong learners.
- We are genuine and accountable; we do what we say we do.
- We believe in a fun environment that is happy and engaging for children, educators, and families.
(Based upon the Early Years Learning Framework)
We acknowledge and pay our respects to the Wiradjuri People, past, present, and future, who are the traditional owners of this land that we learn and play on.
3-Day Guarantee – Legislation Passess
On 11 December 2024, the Australian Government announced changes to how subsidised hours are calculated for the Child Care Subsidy (CCS). This change is part of the government’s pathway toward a universal early education and care system. Legislation to enact this measure passed Parliament and is awaiting Royal Assent. From…
Important information regarding your child’s 2024 Start Strong Fee Relief from the NSW Government
In 2024, families can access fee relief for preschool-aged children through the NSW Government’s Start Strong program. Families with children who are at least 4 years old on or before 31 July 2024 (the child’s birthdate must be on, or before, 31 July 2020), and who are enrolled in a…
Gastroenteritis Update
Good morning, families! We have just been informed by Lauren James (Surveillance Officer, Public Health Unit, Western NSW) that while we reported a gastroenteritis occurrence on 12 January and 16 January, they have deemed to be not an outbreak. We will continue to monitor the health of our children and…
Developmental Milestones – 8 to 12 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical pulls self to standing position when hands held y raises self to sitting positionsits without supportstands by pulling themself up using furniturestepping movements around furnituresuccessfully reach out and grasp toytransfers objects from hand to handpicks up and pokes small objects with thumb and fingerpicks up and throws small…
Developmental Milestones – 4 to 8 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical plays with feet and toesmakes effort to sit alone, but needs hand supportraises head and chest when lying on stomachmakes crawling movements when lying on stomachrolls from back to stomachreaches for and grasp objects, using one hand to grasp eyes smoothly follow object or personcrawling movements using…
Developmental Milestones – Birth to 4 months
Developmental Area Observe Physical moves whole bodysquirms, arms wave, legs move up and downeating and sleeping patternsstartle reflex when placed unwrapped on flat surface/when hears loud noisehead turns to side when cheek touchedsucking motions with mouth (seeking nipple)responds to gentle touching, cuddling, rockingshuts eyes tight in bright sunlightable to lift…
Social Media
Contact Us
Kiddie Academy Mudgee
26 Melton Road
Mudgee, NSW 2850
1300 014 405